Saturday, October 11, 2014

Webelos Face Painting Ceremony

Found at

Materials: Blue, Yellow and Red Paint, Webelos Badges, Safety Pins

Indian Drummer begins soft, slow rhythmic beat.

Cubmaster: Webelos stands for "We'll Be Loyal Scouts."
Would the following Scouts and their parent please come forward.
Read Scouts names.

Cubmaster: The sign of the Webelos Scout signifies a major step on the Cub Scout Trail. Just as Indian boys became warriors and were painted in the colors of their tribe, we will paint you with the colors of Scouting.
Do you want to wear the sign of the Webelos, please say "yes".

Cubs: Yes

Cubmaster: You are well on your way along the Cub Scout Trail to reach the honor of the Arrow of Light, and eventually start the Boy Scout trail to seek the sign of the Eagle.
To help you along your journey, we will give you the sign of the Webelos.

The blue W across your nose is for strength as you work on the Arrow of Light.
(Paint a large W From ear to ear across the bridge of nose)

The yellow on your chin and forehead is the color of sunlight and will light your way along the Scouting Trail.
(Paint a yellow triangle on chin pointing down and on forehead pointing up)

The red stands for fire so that you have a burning desire to explore new areas.
(Paint red stripes on each side of the chin and forehead triangles and under the W on each cheek)

All of these colors together form the Webelos symbol. You should be very proud to wear it.

I will present your badge to your parent who will pin it to your uniform when you go back to your seat.
Congratulations to you and your family on completing this part of the Cub Scout Trail.

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