Directions for use:
Choose one or more phrases from each list.
Add your own personal words for each occasion.
Assemble the props called for as you choose.
Conduct the successful ceremony.
1. "Would the following please come forward?"
Cub Scout Leader Special Event Chairman
Webelos Scout Parent Special Guest
2. (After the above have assembled) - "Before you is:"
a candle a drum a bucket a branch
a flashlight a scout book Akela a neckerchief
a car key a box your leader a bridge
a tripod a picture a trail etc.
3. "This represents:"
the Spirit of Scouting good deeds your future
your accomplishments our community our pack
fun and adventure goodwill our dedication
your advancements our church the family
your den the world character
4. "You have earned this award by:"
completing achievement helping others doing your best
helping our pack having a birthday being the best ___
helping boys grow helping with ___ being a denner
serving for ___ years selling the most ___ etc.
5. "Please accept this award and continue to:"
help the pack go grow strong give goodwill
do your best come to meetings work hard
follow Akela be the best you help your son
6. "Would the rest of the Pack join me in congratulations for this award."
Use a tasteful applause
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