Monday, July 21, 2014


Field Uniforms:
The Field Uniform should be worn at pack meetings and is appropriate for wearing to den and other cub scout gatherings.  (The field uniform is sometimes referred to as the class A uniform, but this terminology is not used in any BSA publication and is officially discouraged.)

Activity Uniforms:
An activity or utility uniform generally consists of a Scouting related T-shirt, polo shirt or other shirt, often customized with a unit design, such as those received at some Cub or Webelos Day Camps, bought at a BSA store, or made specifically for the den or pack. Activity or utility uniforms are worn when the official field uniform is not appropriate for activities or as directed by the unit leaders.  (The activity or utility uniform is sometimes referred to as the class B uniform, but this terminology is not used in any BSA publication and is officially discouraged.)

Saluting the Flag:
The official word is, "The hand-to-forehead salute is correct for flag ceremonies for any person wearing a uniform of the Boy Scouts of America. The hand-over-heart salute should be used when not in uniform."  There is no further uniform definition for boys giving the scout salute for flag ceremonies.

Themed Costumes:
It is always appropriate for boys, families, and leaders/committee to wear costumes fitting the theme of the pack meeting. It is very appropriate and encouraged for the Cubmaster and other committee members to wear simple costumes for ceremonies, which should be put on just before the ceremony and taken off just after the ceremony, unless it is too complicated and time-consuming - which case, it may be worn throughout the evening.  Those wearing theme costumes would salute the flag as a civilian, with hat off head and hand over heart

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