According to the BSA, we are NOT to implement any part of the new cub scout program until the new cub scout program has been officially launched, May 2015. This includes teaching and reciting the Scout Law and Oath.
Having said that, and supporting that policy 100%, I have worried about how to teach these long recitations to my young cubs. Not to worry, I can prepare to know it myself and get ready to teach the cubs in summer of 2015 with the following ideas:
HERE FROM SCOUTINGMAGAZINE.ORG are some ways to teach Cubs the Scout Law, worth checking out!
I like this catch song; a pleasant way to become familiar with the Scout Law:
"A Scout Is"
CHORUS:It doesn't say "could be",
It doesn't say "would be",
It doesn't say "might be",
It doesn't say "someday will be",
It doesn't say "shall be",
It doesn't mean "maybe",
But notice that it says "A Scout IS"!
A scout is TRUSTWORTHY; a scout always tells the truth.
A scout is LOYAL; to his family, friends, and nation he is true.
A scout is HELPFUL; he helps his neighbors without pay.
A scout is FRIENDLY; to everyone along his way.
A scout is COURTEOUS; a scout is polite to all.
A scout is KIND; he'll help you up when you fall.
A scout is OBEDIENT; he follows rules willingly.
A scout is CHEERFUL; he does his labor cheerfully.
A scout is THRIFTY; a scout will work to pay his way.
A scout is BRAVE; he'll face the danger tho' he's afraid.
A scout is CLEAN; he keeps his mind and body clean.
A scout is REVERENT; he follows God faithfully.
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